Hi All~
Hope you are all well! Things are good down here! It's still been pretty hot and humid...although 4th of July weekend was gorgeous. We spent the first part of the weekend in Myrtle Beach, where we picked up Kyle's parents on the 4th. We returned to Beaufort that day and went to fireworks that night. Casey really seemed to enjoy them, but as it got later, she said she was scared and then fell asleep!
Hope you are all well! Things are good down here! It's still been pretty hot and humid...although 4th of July weekend was gorgeous. We spent the first part of the weekend in Myrtle Beach, where we picked up Kyle's parents on the 4th. We returned to Beaufort that day and went to fireworks that night. Casey really seemed to enjoy them, but as it got later, she said she was scared and then fell asleep!
We had a really nice time w/the Kilian's. Spent lots of time playing and at the pool. They were a great help w/some projects around the house!
Not too much else new here. Baby K's room is slowly coming together...can't believe she'll be here in about 10 weeks!
The Getz's (my parents) arrive this Wednesday night and will be here until next Monday. Then things "calm" down and we have no visitors planned until after the arrival of our newest family member!
I guess the BEST thing that has happened since my last post was that my sister's latest MRI came back clear, so we're all still kind of on a "high" from that wonderful news! God is good.
Well, hope you are all doing well and hopefully I'll post again soon!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Baby Kendall, and Jimmy
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Baby Kendall, and Jimmy
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