Hi Everyone...
Three quick updates~~
1. Had my 16 week appointment today and heard Baby K's heartbeat again today...nothing like it in the world! We are all scheduled for the BIG ultrasound on 4/27...then we'll know if it's a baby brother or a baby sister!
2. Have to share this story. On our way home from Parris Island today (Casey was there for the morning while I had my appt and then a hair appt and then went b'day shopping for her)...she fell asleep. However, she wasn't totally out yet, because a song came on the radio that she loves (Miley Cyrus--Party in the USA) and at one point in the song Miley says, "...hands up, there playing my song..." and I see Casey's hands fly into the air and she starts bopping from side to side---but her eyes are shut and and head is still all relaxed...it was soooo funny. It lasted about 15 seconds and then she was out again! Love her...
3. One more Casey story. Last night when we were getting ready for our dinner out at Chick Fil-A...we headed out to the car and Casey ran out into the alley. I firmly told her NO and then we had a talk about being safe and how it would hurt really bad if she ever got hit by a car, etc., etc... Well, Casey is constantly asking, "WHY" these days and when I was done w/my lecture on safety, she says.........."WHY"...so I say, "Because I love you..." and she says back, "So much."
Hope you are all well!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jimmy
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
End of March
So sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've hardly taken pictures this month either...with one exception, yesterday was the heavily anticipated birthday party--the SPIDERMAN party for Casey. What a blast. She was so excited. Even jumping around when she got up from her nap and saw all of her decorations saying, "I so happy, I so happy!" Priceless.
So sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've hardly taken pictures this month either...with one exception, yesterday was the heavily anticipated birthday party--the SPIDERMAN party for Casey. What a blast. She was so excited. Even jumping around when she got up from her nap and saw all of her decorations saying, "I so happy, I so happy!" Priceless.
All is well in SC. I go back to the doctor tomorrow for 16 week check up and should get my referral for my big ultrasound. Feeling better these days, but still tired...
Casey is really starting to talk more and more like a big girl, using short sentences and stringing more words together...so cool. She LOVES to play outside and with her neighbors (who are big kids)...she's all signed up for swim lessons in May. When we went up to see my sister and family last week she LOVED her airplane rides and was a VERY good little traveler. People kept complimenting her and saying she must fly often--nope, just enjoying travel like her mom and dad!
Kyle is ALMOST done w/the boat...one more coat of paint and it should be complete. It is really starting to get warm down here and he's hoping to take a longer lunch break one day this week to finish it up.
Our trip home last week was bittersweet, it is always nice to see family, but stinks that it was under the circumstances that one of us is not in the best of health. Thanks for all of your prayers and kind thoughts -- they really help to sustain us all through the rough parts of our lives. We couldn't believe how well Payton gets around these days...much to Casey's dismay--Payton now takes toys away from her and the two of them had some issues w/sharing for the first of I'm sure many more times. And little Dyllan--well, really not so little, but what a sweetie-pie!
Well, enjoy the pictures and we'll hope to see many of you in April. Casey and I will be home from about 4/13-4/18 or so.
Katie, Kyle, Casey, and Jim
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 2nd
Just a quick update on the bed. Ever the pioneer, Casey decided that once that bed was put together, she was sleeping in it. So at nap time yesterday, the ONLY place she wanted to sleep was in her new bed. I dragged it into her room and set it next to her crib. It took her about 10 minutes to realize I was seriously letting her take her nap in the bed and off to dreamland she went. She slept for almost 3 hours and when she woke up she listened to her mom and yelled for me until I came upstairs and then she could get out of bed! Then she spent the rest of her afternoon laying in her bed: reading, playing with stuffed animals, and kept saying "new bed", "new bed". Needless to say, she couldn't wait until bedtime. Kyle and I were a little nervous how she'd do overnight...ha! No worries. She fell asleep within 10 minutes, we slept with our fan turned down and the door open and she snoozed for 11 hours -- waking again by calling for me and waiting until I came up to get out of bed...and the same pattern with today's nap!
We are NOT planning to take the crib out of her room for at least a month or so, but needless to say, we were kind of surprised how quickly she adjusted! So proud of our little trooper!
Talk soon!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, and Jimmy
We are NOT planning to take the crib out of her room for at least a month or so, but needless to say, we were kind of surprised how quickly she adjusted! So proud of our little trooper!
Talk soon!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, and Jimmy
Monday, March 1, 2010
March 1st
Hi All:
Just a quick update. We had a nice weekend down here. Still a little on the cool side and Casey has had the sniffles or she's cutting another 2 year molar, so we didn't do much outside. Saturday was kind of a catch up day around the house and Sunday was church and then brunch. Today I finally cleaned up the spare room from when my parents were here and when I finished I decided to put together Casey's toddler bed in there. WELL, I got it all together, put sheets, blankies and pillows on it---all under her watchful eye...she climbed in and looked at me and said, "I LOVE IT!!!" She did not want to come back downstairs and has been up and down several times since then. In fact she's headed up there right now and I asked her what she's doing and she said, "taking a nap". TOO funny! Hope when we finally make the big switch she is just as excited!
Just a quick update. We had a nice weekend down here. Still a little on the cool side and Casey has had the sniffles or she's cutting another 2 year molar, so we didn't do much outside. Saturday was kind of a catch up day around the house and Sunday was church and then brunch. Today I finally cleaned up the spare room from when my parents were here and when I finished I decided to put together Casey's toddler bed in there. WELL, I got it all together, put sheets, blankies and pillows on it---all under her watchful eye...she climbed in and looked at me and said, "I LOVE IT!!!" She did not want to come back downstairs and has been up and down several times since then. In fact she's headed up there right now and I asked her what she's doing and she said, "taking a nap". TOO funny! Hope when we finally make the big switch she is just as excited!
Another good one...when I was getting her ready for church yesterday I was putting on her stockings and I said, "Now you look just like a little lady"...and she said, "No." So I said, "like a little woman?" and again, "No." So I tried again, "Like a big girl?" again, "No." I asked her what did she look like and she said, "Casey Kilian." ha ha ha!!!
Well, enjoy the pictures. Hope you are all doing well and Happy March!!!
Well, enjoy the pictures. Hope you are all doing well and Happy March!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, and Jimmy!
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