Riding around half naked at the mall in Rocky Mount, NC

First time in my swimming suit!

Resting after a long afternoon of swimming!
Don't I look so pretty in this dress??!!!
Hi Everyone...
Hope you all made it through this heatwave unfazed. Casey and I certainly have a good story to share. Last Friday morning we got up and got on the road to Myrtle Beach. The first 3 hours of the trip was very pleasant. The baby slept and Aunt Marilyn and I got to catch up. Right around 3 hours into the trip, Marilyn (who had mentioned earlier that she was warm) discovered that the A/C on her 2007 Town and Country minivan was not working. I quickly jumped to the backseat and discovered that Casey didn't have any A/C in the back either. We stopped at a gas station and tried to find a nearby
Chrysler dealership to take the van to and have it checked out. The closest available dealership was close to an hour away in Rocky Mount, NC. We plugged along on I-95 with no A/C. The baby was stripped down to her diaper and I kept wiping her down with a wet burp cloth. She thought it was great fun. Marilyn and I kept praying that we'd get it to the dealership, they'd have a quick fix and we'd be on our way to Myrtle. Well, after a little more than 2 hours in this dealership, they told us it needed a whole new compressor, etc and they couldn't get the parts in until Tuesday. We talked it over a few minutes and decided our best option was to spend some time in the Rocky Mount Mall (not like any mall I've ever been to before) and hit the road again back to Virginia when the sun started to set. We had a fun shopping trip...did some major damage at Ross (thanks again,
Dit!!!) and headed back to Falls Church. We tried to stop at a
McDonald's for some
ice cream on our way back and lo and behold, the McDonald's we chose had a broken
ice cream machine...what are the chances??!!! We finally made it back to VA around 11:15, sweaty, but in one piece and with our good humor still intact. What a story we'll have to share with Casey in the future.
Other than that...things were quiet this week. Casey discovered she can pull my hair...we "swam" at our neighbors wading pool on Saturday and Sunday. And today we head home for the weekend. Looking forward to seeing our friends Amy,
Nikk and Owen who are in town from Colorado...and visiting with family at my cousin Nick's graduation party...also seeing the girls from high school for Abby's
bachelorette party and celebrating Father's Day!!!
OK...until next week!
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jim