Hi All:
Just a short post to share some new photos. (I'm also sending out the April Snapfish Album today!!!)
Just a short post to share some new photos. (I'm also sending out the April Snapfish Album today!!!)
In the first picture, Casey had just taken a bath and she screamed her head off the whole time. Afterward, I put her down on the floor on the blanket to get her dressed and she just zoned out and layed there for almost 45 minutes...drifting in and out of sleep and just enjoying herself as if she were at the beach. TOO CUTE!!!
The third picture is from Monday morning. She was sleeping in her carrier and Jimmy just couldn't help himself. He wanted her awake in the worst way. Everytime she moved, his tail would start to wag. It was adorable!!!
Casey is doing well. We seem to be falling into somewhat of a routine...although it's all on Casey's terms. I guess it is just Kyle and I finally adjusting to HER schedule. Ha ha.
Please let us know if you ever want to come down for a visit :) :)
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jim