Casey was SOOOO excited!
It's been a LONG time since I last posted, and I apologize! Can you tell we've been busy?! Let's see...what have we been up to?! After Casey's birthday, my parents departed mid-week. Casey had swimming lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays for the month of April. She LOVED going and did great. I'd like to hope that she'll be swimming independently sometime soon! She's so close!
We had to say goodbye to our great friends, the Ashinhurts, midway through the month. It was a sad day, but we know that we'll be able to keep in close contact with them through the Internet, phone and hopefully (fingers crossed) one day, the USMC will decide we need to spend some time together at another duty station!
Easter crept up on us out of nowhere it seemed this year. Casey's school had a really nice Easter egg hunt and party for the kids. Casey did great at the egg hunt and found LOTS of eggs. The girls sat with the bunny for pictures at Chick Fil A. They both loved him. Kendall tried to eat his fur. After our brunch with the bunny, we went on to the Easter egg hunt at our church. Kendall cried when the bunny left her side and poor Casey only found about three eggs. Seemed she was behind the crowd the whole hunt -- HOWEVER, she was not too upset (nor was I--just meant less candy in the house).
Aunt Sherri, Uncle Robert and Alex got to town a few days before Easter and we really enjoyed our time with them. It was eventful to say the least. Alex got to try out the flight simulator at the air station...thanks to Kyle's good friend "Uncle Charlie". I think he had a pretty good time =) We battled a mama racoon on the boat that weekend...the story is too long to post here, but let's all remember the old song, "The Cat Came Back"...change the words to raccoon--and that was our weekend with the mean old critter. Casey ended up sick the day before Easter. Just a virus--fever and very tired. SO we had a low-key Easter day. It took her a few days until she was feeling all better and Kendall had it for a day or two as well. That cleared up just in time for us to all end up with a rotten head cold. I think I may have had it the worst. UGH!
Casey is back to 100% with her leg. She continues to be a crack up coming up with some of the funniest things. The other day she got out her coloring book and crayons, sat at the kitchen table and told me, "I'm going to be working on my writing skills in my art studio...okay, mom?!" Three. She's three. I can't even begin to fathom 4, 5, or 13?!
And my Kendie-bear has had a very eventful month of first. I'll try to relay them all:
-First time on a swing (loved it)
-First time on a swing (loved it)
-First time riding like a big girl in the shopping cart (loved it)
-First time eating Puffs, bananas, food she has to "chew" (mixed reviews--loves the Puffs and bananas, not crazy over being spoon fed food with weird lumps in it)
-First time taking a bath in the big tub with my sister (LOVES)
-First time in a swimming pool (LOVES, LOVES, LOVES)--Thank the Good Lord!
-First time moving from one end of the room to the other without rolling to get there--YEP, she's crawling--well, creeping, but it won't be long!
As for the big people in our house--
Kyle has been incredibly busy with work and school. He's got the boat in great shape and is praying for great weather (and that his wife doesn't make too many "plans" that don't include boating)!!! He hopes to be over at the law center and out of his current job sometime mid summer. He can't wait and neither can we because that will hopefully mean we'll see him a little more! Yay!
I have (had) been running since about mid-February and am (was) really enjoying it. I am (was) up to running about a 30 minute/3 mile. BUT, I hurt my hip during a run on Palm Sunday and can't quite get it back to feeling good. So -- this past week, the girls and I joined the YMCA. I'm excited to get some other type of exercise, they have a great Child Watch program, and we can pretty much swim whenever. Casey is signed up to play 3/4 year old tee ball starting the end of the month. That should be a trip...can't wait to tell some stories!
Well, I hope I covered it all. The girls and I will be in PA from 5/13-5/20...hope we get to see some of you "Northerners".
Miss you all and love you all~~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim
Miss you all and love you all~~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim
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