Hi all,
Hope everyone is doing well. Not too much new and exciting to report down here. We had a few really beautiful days of weather down here and enjoyed the outdoor time. Now, as I type this, it is raining and about 45 degrees. Ugh!
Girls are great. Kendall learned to roll from her back to her belly this past week. We think she is also working hard on cutting a tooth, fun! Casey is having fun at school learning about modes of transportation and shapes. She really looks forward to going to school and loves her "school friends"!
I have been busy keeping up with the girls and home, started doing Zumba (on video)--Casey loves to join in, and trying hard to get caught up on organizing and printing all of our photos since Casey was born--I finally got prints of her first birthday made!
I have been busy keeping up with the girls and home, started doing Zumba (on video)--Casey loves to join in, and trying hard to get caught up on organizing and printing all of our photos since Casey was born--I finally got prints of her first birthday made!
Kyle is always busy with work, but he has begun the winter improvements of our boat. He is working on replacing some hardware, has ordered a new biminy cover, and will work on some more paint this spring. Pictures to follow!
Hope you are all doing well and hope to see you soon~~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim
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