Hoofprints in the sand ... love it!

Last weekend at Hunting Island...love it here!

Our little digger...

Kendall's first trip to the beach...she loved it!

Kendie and her dad!

There were horses at the beach...it was so pretty!

Casey's first trip to Chuck E Cheese last Friday!

Deciding what to do next!?

Check out Ms. Crazy Hair??!

LOVES to eat!

And it's a good thing we did the beach and Chuck E Cheese last week...

Because Miss Casey broke her right tibia on Tuesday night...

She was jumping on the neighbors trampoline -- with just one other girl, and must have landed wrong...

She'll be in the cast for 4-6 weeks...our poor girl. She seems in good spirits today (now that pain has subsided) and next week she can start trying to walk on it using a walking shoe.
Hope all is well with the rest of you~~the weather here has been beautiful and we are enjoying as much time outside as we can. You can see above what Casey's been up to. Kendall is now rolling over both ways (tummy to back and reverse). She is eating almost all her veggies now...she LOVES to eat! She fits right in! Ha ha ha!
More soon~~~
Love to all~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim
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