Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17

Hoofprints in the sand ... love it!
Last weekend at Hunting it here!
Our little digger...
Kendall's first trip to the beach...she loved it!
Kendie and her dad!
There were horses at the was so pretty!

Casey's first trip to Chuck E Cheese last Friday!

Deciding what to do next!?

Check out Ms. Crazy Hair??!

LOVES to eat!

And it's a good thing we did the beach and Chuck E Cheese last week...

Because Miss Casey broke her right tibia on Tuesday night...
She was jumping on the neighbors trampoline -- with just one other girl, and must have landed wrong...
She'll be in the cast for 4-6 weeks...our poor girl. She seems in good spirits today (now that pain has subsided) and next week she can start trying to walk on it using a walking shoe.

Hope all is well with the rest of you~~the weather here has been beautiful and we are enjoying as much time outside as we can. You can see above what Casey's been up to. Kendall is now rolling over both ways (tummy to back and reverse). She is eating almost all her veggies now...she LOVES to eat! She fits right in! Ha ha ha!
More soon~~~
Love to all~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 4

Enjoying being on her tummy more and more!

Big sister!

Little sister!

Casey at Island Playground for Jake's birthday. Funny thing--we got there and all she wanted to do was play dress up and "cook" in the kitchen...we could've stayed home for that!?! Ha ha!

Jake and Elise played in the kitchen, too!

Casey enjoying the Dinosaur Bouncer!

Cole checks out the slide!

Casey in motion!

Allison takes Casey AND Elise down the BIG slide!

Casey tries it alone...

She LOVED it and did it over and over and over and over....

Wardrobe change--I though she looked like the Statue of Liberty in this one ;)

The Birthday Boy! "Jakey"

Casey and Daddy making breakfast together!

Toasting frozen waffles is tough work!!!

Barbie Puppy Swimming School!

Kendall LOVES to watch her big sister play!

(Check out Kendall's hair!!?!)

Casey and Daddy at the playground!


Kendall in the Dora chair!

Miss Big Stuff can roll over now =)
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well. Not too much new and exciting to report down here. We had a few really beautiful days of weather down here and enjoyed the outdoor time. Now, as I type this, it is raining and about 45 degrees. Ugh!
Girls are great. Kendall learned to roll from her back to her belly this past week. We think she is also working hard on cutting a tooth, fun! Casey is having fun at school learning about modes of transportation and shapes. She really looks forward to going to school and loves her "school friends"!

I have been busy keeping up with the girls and home, started doing Zumba (on video)--Casey loves to join in, and trying hard to get caught up on organizing and printing all of our photos since Casey was born--I finally got prints of her first birthday made!
Kyle is always busy with work, but he has begun the winter improvements of our boat. He is working on replacing some hardware, has ordered a new biminy cover, and will work on some more paint this spring. Pictures to follow!
Hope you are all doing well and hope to see you soon~~~

Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jim