The view from our room =)

Hi Everyone,
Can't believe it, but today, Kendall is exactly two and a half months old! WOW! She's really developing a personality lately...staying awake more during the day and loving to interact with us...smiling, cooing, and just looking at us! SOOO much fun! Casey loves to try and make her smile...and loves laying with her, hugging her, kissing her, etc! Kyle and I were just noticing last night that Kendall has already started flinching when Casey gets close - ha ha!!!
Kyle and I went to the 235th Marine Corps Ball down in Hilton Head last Saturday. We had a really nice night out...and got to stay overnight at the hotel where it was held thanks to the Kilian's (Kyle's parents)...it was sooo nice not to have to use my "mommy ears" for a night of sleep! Although, sleep was not as good as we expected-- hey, we were in a hotel full of Marines who were fired up over their birthday and many of whom had been drinking!!!
Casey is getting very excited for Turkey tomorrow and also for Christmas...I really can not WAIT for Christmas morning with her...which means I should probably get my butt in gear with Christmas shopping!!!
The weather down here has been ridiculously warm. I mean, I'm really, really ready for some fall weather--I'd love to wear the new pea coat I bought...also my new winter boots--a few sweater?? Is that too much to ask? I guess I'll get some use out of them when we head to PA in December. It looks like we'll arrive the morning Monday the 27th and leave the evening of Sunday the 2nd of January. Hope to see you all!!!
Oh...forgot to mention...Casey and I went to see Disney's Princess on Ice Classics down in Savannah last Thursday. It was a great mommy and daughter night out! We went with our friends Megan and Alexis... I forgot my camera (Megan took some pictures for us but I have to wait to get them from her)...so the only pictures you see are from my cell phone! Casey really took it all in, but told me the next day that she enjoyed riding in Miss Megan's "van car" the most. (Not any of the princess's ice skating!!!)
Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall, and Jimmy
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