Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12

Hi All~~
A few new pictures of the girls and our family! We've been doing well down here. Casey is loving her little sister and going to school. She is getting very excited for trick or treat...and Christmas, too! Ha ha!
Kendall is growing fast. She is starting to see things better and better and it's neat to watch her focus in on things and be 'amazed' by toys, etc!
Hope you are all well and enjoy the pictures!!!

Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy
Kendall waving "Hi"

Little smile while she sleeps!

Look at that hair! Ha!

Sacked out...

Casey "feeding" her eagle.

Sisterly love!

Tummy time!


Totally overacting at seeing the b'day cake!
Kendall with her Grandma and Aunt Dit!
Kendall and Dit

The Kilian Family!

Making a wish!

Casey Sings her ABC's!

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