Hi everyone,
Hope you are all doing great. Casey, Jimmy, and I had a nice trip up to PA again. Our ride both up and back went smoothly. Newly potty trained Casey did not have one accident the whole ride!
We had two birthday parties for Casey when we were home...one at the Getz's and one the Kilian's. She had a great time at both and probably is wondering why all the commotion surrounding her birthday is over now! ha ha!
I was able to be home for the wedding of one of my college roommates, too. It was a beautiful wedding and fabulous reception. It was so good to see everyone...I had a great time, but sort of fizzled toward the end of the night. This pregnant lady doesn't see 1030pm too often these days and I didn't get home until after midnight!
We also got to attend our niece, Dyllan's dedication to her church. It was a nice service (what I was there for...as Casey had a bit of a meltdown during the sermon)...Dyllan was well behaved and didn't seemed phased by all the attention.
We missed our Kyle while we were gone, but he was busy at work. He had a bunch of dinners the end of the first week we were gone and then had an group of educators down here the first part of the second week we were gone that he got to show around Parris Island. He was BUSY!
Casey had her 2 year check up last week and all went well. She was 33.5 inches and 26.5 lbs (which are both right around the 50th percentile). She got only one shot and barely whimpered. She told the nurse, "I brave". She also asked why she had to go the doctor that day and I told her so that the doctor could make sure she was growing into a big girl...and her response, "So I can drive, mommy?" -- She's always asking if she can drive the car and I tell her when she's a big girl. Well, she now knows she has to be 16! Ha ha ha!
Otherwise, we are all doing well. I'm getting a bigger belly by the day...haven't gained too much weight yet, which I am thrilled about. We have another ultrasound on 5/10 and then we fly to PA again for a little under a week! We'll be around from 5/11-17th. We have a wedding the night of the 14th and Payton's first b'day on the 16th. This will be our last trip to PA until after new baby...probably won't see you all until the Holidays! So come visit us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...rambled enough. Hope to see you soon!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, New baby, and Jimmy
Katie, Kyle, Casey, New baby, and Jimmy