Hi Everyone,
Happy November. It seems like things have cooled off a little down here...weather has been beautiful. Highs in the low 70's most days and MUCH less humid...and cool nights in the 50's. I'm a happy girl...wouldn't mind if it got even cooler, but I'll take what I can get!
Casey had a yucky stomach bug last week. We were having our "girls night" last Tuesday...eating dinner and watching Annie. All seemed fine, when she walked over to me and asked for me to pick her up while simultaneously spewing her dinner all over the chair, the carpet, herself and me :o) She battled it on and off for 3 days. We took 2 trips to the ER for anti-nausea meds but now all is well! Kids are so resilient that way!
Last night was the Marine Corps ball down here. We had a really good time. It is a much smaller scale ball than we've been to before, it was actually held on base at the All Weather Training Facility...but we still managed to have a fun evening out.
Getting ready for Thanksgiving -- can't believe it. The Kilian's are coming down to see us so we're really happy and thankful to have family to share the holiday with. We will head up to PA for Christmas...not sure of dates yet, but really looking forward to that, too!
Casey knows who Santa is and picks his picture out of the circular ads...anxious to see how she'll react when we take her to see him in person!
Ok...hope you enjoy the updated pictures...more soon~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jimmy
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jimmy
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