The Roberts/Getz Clan 2011

Payton and Casey. I sure hope their driving skills improve over the next 13 years or so ;)

Heather and I on a memorable girls night out!

Payton, Casey and I on the ferris wheel at the Holy Family Club Carnival. Payton refused to ride without Casey, so after Casey and I took one spin around, the ride operator stopped and let Payton on with us!!!

Casey and I before Payton hopped on!

Getting on a ferris wheel for the first time. Casey was SOOOO excited and she loved it!

See Casey's face peeking through the railing! ?

Casey and Patyon on the airplanes!

Big girls!!!

Riding the train with Uncle Craig!

Dancing up a storm at Holy Family Carnival --the first night.

These girls had a blast!

Casey and Jenna go ice skating! SHE LOVED IT!!!

She was a hard worker and didn't want to stop learning =)

Jenna, Casey and Aunt Kristi
Jenna and Kristi skated together years ago!

Loving all the attention!

"Marching" on the ice

All laced up and ready to skate!

So cute!

Love them! (Notice the cat and dog circling the table for droppings!)

Casey Mackenzie

Gigi and Kendie

The girls waiting for their treat!

Casey at the Please Touch Museum

Another pose...

Checking out her groceries at the Please Touch Grocery Store :)

Dr. Kilian checking out all the bone pictures!

Cousins: Dyllan, Payton, Casey

In the Fairytale Castle

Kendall got out to play a little, too!

Playing in the musical rainforest!

In the "Goldilocks and the 3 Bears" house!

Payton in the "water smock". They had these smocks for the kids to put on so they wouldn't get soaked playing in the giant water table!

Kendall taking it all in!

Playing at the water table!

At the Iron Pigs game!! Ha ha ha!

It was a beautiful night to be outside in the grass, eat ice cream, and watch baseball!

Our view from the outfield!

This little piggie....

We got together with my roommates from college and all the girls were playing the piano together...even Kendall -- ha!

Here they are from the front!

My college roomate, Debbie--holding the newest addition to our bunch--Laurie's son, Colin! He about as big as our Kendall and is only 5 months old! Such a cutie!

Casey and Jadis! They are friends forever! ;)


LOVES the water...

Trouble...Paige and Casey.

Running toward me and Casey fell over...

They did NOT succeed in taking Bryan's beer.

Sharing?!?! Or not??!!

Again....this little one and her bucket.

The lone digger.

Love it here.

Tunneling to China
Hi Everyone!!!
We have just returned from a wonderful trip up north to Pennsylvania. It was great to see family and friends and let Casey and Kendall play with their cousins, Dyllan and Payton. We swam, went ice skating, visited a museum, went to a carnival, took in an Iron Pigs game, and relaxed a little, too. Kyle got to fish in his beloved Bushkill creek (and caught a beautiful trout).
Perhaps the the highlight of our trip came before we even arrived in Nazareth, when my sister sent us a text message from Duke University. It read, "Reichl 2, Tumor 0...suck it cancer." Meaning she got great news from her doctors there and things are looking up once again!!!
Love to you all and talk soon~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy
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