Oh how life has changed in four years! Four years ago today, Kyle and I were married! And today, I was awakened by Casey yelling, "The sun shines bright Mommy, I'm ready for my breakwiss!!!" Then I took both girls grocery shopping with me! No small feat! Fun, fun, fun!
All is well down here, we've been very busy getting ready for Christmas. Shopping, baking, decorating, wrapping, singing, etc. We've been to see Santa a bunch of times!!! Can't wait to see that face (Casey's) on Christmas morning! We are planning to head to PA on Sunday (the 26th) and drive overnight--arriving on the 27th in the morning. Hope the weather won't delay us!
All is well down here, we've been very busy getting ready for Christmas. Shopping, baking, decorating, wrapping, singing, etc. We've been to see Santa a bunch of times!!! Can't wait to see that face (Casey's) on Christmas morning! We are planning to head to PA on Sunday (the 26th) and drive overnight--arriving on the 27th in the morning. Hope the weather won't delay us!
Kendall is doing great, she's sleeping in her own room now and she generally goes down around 10 or 11, sleeps until 4, wakes for a bottle and goes right back down within 20 minutes and then sleeps until around 830! It's been great! She's JUST starting to try and roll over, loves to talk and smile, loves taking baths, and HATES being on her belly. I'm kind of anxious to see what happens when she actually rolls over from her back and ends up on her belly!!!
Enjoy these pictures from the past few weeks and hope to see you soon!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy

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