My friend Sherry and I at our Spouses Club Halloween Party. I was Snooki from Jersey Shore.

Kyle and Casey right before our spooky historic ghost tour in downtown Beaufort. Casey LOVED it!

Casey at the Nazareth v. Northampton football game.

The girls and I at downtown trick or treat.

The whole group of girls at the Halloween Party

Team Reichl's Warriors

Joey, Dyllan, Me and Kendall at the walk

Snooki and the Situation

Casey-the bone dr.

She is going places...

With all that sass!

SHE does not stop moving.

The mom..helping Casey take my picture.

Holding court...


THE look.

And then so sweet =)


Hee hee


Who's there???

The girls

Another profile

Contenplating life...


Still climbing...

And she reached her goal...sitting on the step.


ha ha ha ha

Hey Casey--come sit with me...


There is a chair right here...

Okay...so we switched chairs, but aren't we cute sitting here?!

No really-super cute!!!


in the dog house...

Trick or treat

Best Friends

Kendall (Flounder loses interest)

So Casey (Ariel continues on her own)

Casey in the leftover snow in PA

Kendie in the PA leaves

Casey in the leaves = pure joy!


Not quite sure...

Nope. she doesn't like leaves very much.


It made me smile to watch her...she just LOVED playing in the leaves.

Leaves, a pool and snow...what a combination!

Climbing up the hill to jump in!

That is a LOT of leaves!

Can you find Casey in all the leaves?

Dancing with joy!

LOVE this picture

Standing in the blowing leaves

Baby face


Big brown eyes



and that was the end of that.

She's a pirate.

Open your eyes, Gigi!


I mean, Casey and Payton.

Silly girls.



MC Ball 2011

The Ballroom
Sorry for such a long picture blog...the pics tell you what we've been up to. Kendall is still busy growing teeth and climbing. Casey is busy planning on marrying a prince so she can become a princess and live in Disney World. Kyle has been busy at work and earned his Brown Belt through the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. I started back to the Y this month and am so VERY sore, but feeling good to be back at it!
Hope to see you all soon--dates of our trip to PA will be determined soon.
Talk soon~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy