Pumpkin Patch Fun...this was the best shot I could get of them together.

Casey is so good at posing for pictures...

Our little pumpkin in the midst of many pumpkins

Casey and Gypsy...

With VERY little hesitation, she wanted to ride on that big horse! So proud!!

A little equestrian =)

Daddy and Kendall--who was again, distracted!

The Kilian's! So excited to get a decent family shot!

Casey and Paige!

Climbing in the bales of hay!

Kendall in the maze

Casey posing...again!

Kendall--again with her back to the camera...she is on the GO!

Casey, Daddy and Kendie in the maze

C'mon Dad...follow me!

Off she goes again...

Posing with a chicken tender...why not???
she cracks me up!!!

All the girls at lunch...for this past month, I've been watching our friend's daugther, Madison...we love having her!!!

Daddy and Casey

So Kendall just recently discovered the TV and she will sit and watch, and laugh (which is hilarious)...here she is engrossed in Finding Nemo...

This kid with her phone...ehem...well, I guess we know who's to blame for modeling that behavior (wink, wink)...

So sad...well, probably not that sad, but she's starting to show a little temper now and then...this was then :)

And she also loves to carrying around her blankey--just like her sister!!!

The hotel Kyle and I shared a getaway at in Orlando back in September...

In downtown Disney with Cinderella!

Arghhhh...a pirate

Daddy at the helm...

Some of the amazing Lego creations in downtown Disney...

All made of Legos!!!

TREX cafe...look at all those BONES! (We really took this one specifically for the future bone doctor in our family)...

My mom and I rearranged the living room! Hooray!!

Love it!!!

Feels like a whole new room!

More pumpkin pictures!

Casey and her pumpkin buddy, Paige!
Hope you are all well...I'll let the pictures really tell most of this months story! We have been VERY busy! Girls are well, Kyle and I are well--Jimmy is Jimmy--weather is starting to cool down (YAY!)
The girls and I will be in PA from 11/1 - 11/7...hope to see some of you when we visit!
I know this isn't a big, long update, but I hope the pictures give you an update of their own!
OH!!! Big news that has not yet been photographed...after 13 months and 5 days of waiting, Kendie got her first tooth! We're hoping for more in the near future ;)
Love to all,
Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy