Reflecting on her first birthday party...

Who taught this kid to pose like that?!!??

And again with the posing...as if this is how you'd hang out on your scooter. God I love her!

Big girl with her sippy cup!

A week before her birthday practicing with Grammy's cake! (She liked it in case you can't tell!)

Casey on the first day of school this year!

And again.

Out at Hunting Island the day after Hurricane Irene blew through. We found some great shells!

The shell hunter!

Hurricane Irene blew through during the day and by that night, our skies looked like this...

And this...(the parking lot out to the boat launch was flooded)

More Irene skies

So beautiful

Last one...

Group shot from Kendall's first birthday party! I love these girls and their children!

So yes, she enjoyed the cake.

Digging in

Can not wait to eat that cake!

Hee hee!

She also really enjoyed her pizza and cheese curls if you can't tell by the orange hands and sticky face!

Her cake!

Who'd have thought that running up and down a ramp could provide hours of fun at a birthday party!?

Playing hide and seek with Jake!

Our neighbor Charley at Kendall's party!


Casey...oh, she had a bit of a rough start on her sister's birthday. She was a little jealous of the attention...but managed to actually be a very good girl and have a fun day!

Our friend, Elijah!

She's thinking..."Where's my cake??!"

Checking things out before the party gets started!

I'm one!

Our girls!

Sitting with Grandma, watching everyone decorate for her!!!

Birthday waffle!

Hee hee!!!

Loves to feed herself with silverware now...see video below!

So CUTE!!!

More first day pictures!

And more!

It was so humid that day that my camera lens fogged up!

On daddy's birthday!

the big 3-4!

Casey's new playhouse..well, not brand-new, but a great find from a friend!!!

I'm almost walking now!

Love that face!

With my dad...