Hi Everyone! Sorry it's been so long since an update. We were busy gearing up for this past weekend. As you can see above, we were BUSY! All is well. Casey's cast is off now and she is walking MUCH better. Still a little limp sometimes and she has a little trouble on the stairs yet--but we are getting there!
Kendall is great. She eats everything! She rolls all over the place, but still no sitting. She'd much rather be "on the move" rolling from place to place. She laughs at pretty much everything Casey does or says. She is just a very pleasant and easy going little girl and we love her so much.
Casey is loving being a "big girl" now that she is three. She has so much spunk and the things that come out of her mouth never cease to amaze me. She loves to play games now, but has a wicked competitive streak and DOES NOT LIKE TO LOSE. We certainly don't try and beat her, but want her to understand the concept of being a good winner/loser--that lesson isn't going so well quite yet. HA! She is really enjoying swimming lessons this year and is hoping to maybe try out gymnastics this summer. I took her to a state gymnastics meet that was held on Parris Island a few weeks ago and she sat still for almost 2 straight hours just watching and taking it all in. She loved it!
Kyle and I are great. The boat is now completely painted (inside and out), new biminy cover is on, it really looks great! Now if the weather would just cooperate so he can get some good fishing in...I've started running about 3 days a week. I ran a 5K a few weeks ago and have signed up for another one on 5/7. I'm hoping to improve my time as I'm doing about a 10:15/mile. We'll see!
That's all for now...more soon!! XOXO Love, Katie, Kyle, Casey, Kendall and Jimmy