Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Picture Collage

Found this great new website:
http://www.picnik.com/ where you can do all kinds of fun edits to your pictures for free. Made this collage of Casey...it's her two pictures I sent out when she was first born compared with pictures of her in the past month!
Monday, October 19, 2009
October 2009
Hi Everyone,
It's been awhile since my last post. I used to be so good at keeping up w/blogging. Guess something been keeping me busy??!! Or somebody!? Ha!
All is great down here. In the past few days it has cooled off and we've had to turn on our heat the past 2 mornings! Yay! I know it won't last, but we're trying to enjoy it as much as possible!
Casey is doing great. She is talking more and more. She is starting to discover colors. She knows when something is blue, but if you ask her what color somthing is, she usually says, "blue". She loves to try and jump...she hasn't actually left the ground yet, but she tries really hard. She climbs on EVERYTHING...the coffee table, the kitchen table, etc. She is trying hard to use the potty when she remembers (usually just to do #2)...but we'll take it when she asks! (See picture below). We took her to a pumpkin patch last weekend and she LOVED it. She really LOVES pumpkins.
Kyle is doing well w/his job, too. Not too much to report on that end. He has been fly fishing a lot out on PI for Redfish, but hasn't had a ton of luck. The boat is out of commission again...we had to order a new part for it and once that comes in and it is repaired, we are hopeful to get out at least a few more times before the really cool weather hits us and we can't go!
I'm officially a LINKS Mentor and am hoping to teach sometime soon. I was hoping to do so this week, but childcare fell through and I can't really teach w/Casey in tow! I'm still trying to get to the gym 3 times a week. Haven't noticed a whole lot of results, but it is great stress relief for me and I enjoy going. I FEEL good, so I guess that is what matters most!
Jimmy is Jimmy. He's happy that it's cooled off. Kyle took him for a run yesterday and couldn't understand where all his extra energy came from!
Well, enjoy the pictures. Talk soon~~
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jimmy
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jimmy
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