Hi Everyone...
It's been awhile, but wanted to wait for us to settled down a little. We are in Beaufort!!! It is very beautiful and historic here. We are still learning our way around, but enjoying what the area has to offer. Our trip down here was great. We got to stay at Aunt Dit and Uncle Fred's beach condo in North Myrtle Beach for a few days while we waited for our things to arrive from MD. We had a blast at the beach...Casey is absolutely a water baby. She LOVED the pool, the waves, etc. Our movers arrived here on June 30 -- Aunt Dit got here on July 1 to help us out for a couple of days...by the end of the first weekend, we were pretty much moved in! Just need to finish up hanging a few pictures and organizing the third floor guest room and storage area. Hope to have that done by the end of the month as my mom, Heather, Payton and Aunt Sherri are visiting and we can't wait!!!
Well, plan a visit with us anytime...we're anxious to see you and show you around the Lowcountry of South Carolina! And Casey would love to show you her fearless jumps into the pool!!!
Oh, and Jimmy is not a fan of the humid weather here quite yet. He has taken on the literal definition of dog-tired...dog days of summer...etc. HA!
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jim
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jim