Hi all,
Sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've been busy!
--Big news...Casey is walking! She's so funny...I know truly know why they call it "toddler" stage because she really toddles!!! She makes me nervous and proud all at the same time!
She is really talking a lot more too. Mostly it sounds like jibberish, but she says words like--
Hi, Bye, This?, brush, ball, juice, and repeats a lot too. She amazes me with what she understands now, too. I'll ask her to get me a diaper and she'll walk across the room and get a diaper. Just so cool!
--Other big news...we found a house in Annapolis. It is very nice and we move the weekend of 5/1. We go up tonight to do some measuring and I hope to take some pictures to add to the blog soon! It is another 3 bedroom, fenced yard, playset for Casey!!! We are still in a bay front community, but not right on the water this time. We do have a bay-beach so head down this summer with your towels and sunscreen for some funtimes in the water!!!
Enjoy the pics...we'll be in PA from 4/3-Easter Sunday! Hope to see you soon~~~
Can't wait to update with 1st b'day pics! Can you believe it's been a year??!!!!
Can't wait to update with 1st b'day pics! Can you believe it's been a year??!!!!
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jim