A recent sunrise -- view from our patio.

Casey sat so nicely while my mom read to her...why doesn't she sit for me??

Casey and her new "pet", Radio the rocking/bouncing horse!

Sitting under the tree (notice the lack of decorations at her height!)

Opening gifts at the Getz's on Christmas morning...a piano!!!

Getting ready to open gifts at the Kilian's on Christmas morning...

All my gifts from Christmas eve!

Aunt Sharon, Casey, Hannah and Mia on Christmas eve.

Kyle and Jimmy opening gifts...Kyle loves that wearable blanket from Cabela's...not to be confused with the "Snuggie".
Hi All!!!
Hope you had a great Holiday Season. We just about recovered down here and all got hit with a nasty stomach bug. We are all on the mend now. Kyle's aunt so graciously came to our rescue on Monday evening. Don't know how we'd have gotten through without her. Kyle was especially sick and needed IV fluids, but we are all better now!
I'm headed to PA on Sunday with Casey to visit my Nana while she recovers from back surgery and my Dad while he recovers from knee replacement.
Not too much else going on with us right now...I'm still trying to get going on the online teaching for University of Phoenix...the training and mentorship process seems endless and has been a bit frustrating.
We hope to see you all soon. If you ever need a weekend getaway...let us know...we're only about 3.5 hours away from the Lehigh Valley and a short drive from BWI for anyone who'd want to fly in!!!!
Love to you all and Happy 2009!
Katie, Kyle, Casey and Jim